Fall 2014 (34.2)

In Issue 34.2 we’ve got a lineup of fiction from Gretchen VanWormer, Jessica Newman, Vera Kurian, Alisha Karabinus, Kim Drew Wright, Mike Meginnis and Gabriel Houck.

Creative nonfiction in this issue comes from Sarah Vallance, Matthew Vollmer, Emily Rich, Angela Woodward, Sarah M. Wells and Jamie Lyn Smith.

We’ve got poetry for you from Nick Courtwright, Meghan Privitello, Becky Fink, Adam Clay, Nick Narbutas, Alex Lemon, Laurie Filipelli, Joseph Massey, Alexis Pope, Emily Skaja, Caroline Cabrera, Lacie Meier, Jenny Boychuk, Bethany Carlson, Jackie Clark, Christopher Citro, Anna B. Sutton, Jane Wong, Ginger Ko, Benjamin Goldberg, J. Scott Brownlee, Graham Foust, Rachel Mennies, Mike Young and Matt McBride.

Visual art comes from Anne Siems, Jennifer Budde, Brandon Dill, Rebecca Parker, Christan Mitchell, Tyler Hildebrand and George Long.

Editor-in-Chief:  Kristen Iversen

Managing Editor: Ruth Baumann

Assistant Managing Editor: Matthew Krajniak

Senior Fiction Editor: Dallas Allen

Fiction Editor: Eric McQuade
Senior Poetry Editor: Ashley Roach

Poetry Editor: Clay Cantrell

Senior Non-Fiction Editor/ Pinch Hero: Matthew Gallant
Non-Fiction Editor: Kat Moore
Contributing Non-Fiction Editor: Colleen Pawling
Art Editor: Ashley Roach
Marketing/Technical Coordinator: Andy Ross
Literary Contest Coordinator/Czarina: Mariah Chitouras
Founder:  William Page

The Pinch
Online Editor editor at the Pinch Literary Journal.

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