Submit To Us

We love publishing cross-genre and nonconformist poems, stories, and essays. Most of the Pinch contributors are emerging writers. Often new writers find a home for their first-ever publication in the pages of our journal.

The content of our journal reflects the literary community our readers and editors engage with. We love work that engages with the complexities and intersections of identity. International submissions are encouraged and we strive in all things for equity.

If you were to eavesdrop on an editorial meeting, you’d hear our staff use the word “pinchy” to describe the work we publish. To our readers, a pinchy piece:

  • Engages with multiple themes

  • Challenges the status quo of form and content

  • Explores experiences of underrepresented writers

The Pinch accepts submissions year-round through our online portal with Submittable. All prose and poetry are considered for publication in our online and print journals.

We strive to respond quickly to all submissions, but please be aware that we follow the academic calendar, and as such manuscripts submitted during summer and winter holidays are often delayed.

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